Entering a Show |
Entering a ShowEntering Your Photo into a Show. If you have located a show that you want to enter, review the host's rules and confirm that you know what to put in the Title area of your photo, and that you know what class you should enter with that photo. Go to your "MyGallery" space and click on the thumbnail of the photo. After the enlarged image appears, click on the "Edit" link in the upper left-hand corner of the frame around the photo. Then click the "Copy Item" link. MyImages vs. MyGallery. After you copy a photo to a show from MyGallery, the site will send you to the "MyImages" page which is not the same as "MyGallery." "MyImages" shows you all images you have on the entire site, and therefore it will eventually show you multiple copies of the same photo (because you will have copied that pic to shows). Double-Checking Your Entries. You can double-check that all your entries are in the show and that the Description field is formatted correctly by clicking on the Reports link in the top menu, and then reviewing the "My Entries" report. Incorrectly-Placed Entries. Although stewards may try to help, ultimately getting the horse in the right class with the right information is the entrant's responsibility, not the steward. Championships. You do not need to enter photos into championships. All first and second place horses will be automatically in competition for intermediate championships, and all intermediate champions will automatically be in competition for the overall championship, if there is one. The host will copy photos of champions into the championship "classes." After entries are closed, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR ENTRIES. If you futz with your entries at any time after entries close - whether it's 5 minutes after entries close or 300 days - you will hose up your results and screw up things that will affect other entrants, such as class counts. If you do, we will consider bouncing you from the site for this kind of error, even if it is by accident. So take heed, my lovelies. When you try to edit after the galleries are closed, the site will automatically offer to save your photo to another "allowed" location, like the Practice Show, and that will move it out of the show you have entered. Ownership Info. If you want your real name in the results and the host allows it, you can just add it on the edit profile page in your "User CP" (User Control Panel). If you don't set your first and last name, then your forum username will display in the results. And that's okay too. Other ResourcesQuestions about the Show. All show-related questions such as "what class does this horse go in?" should go to the show hostess in her Show Announcements forum thread. If the host asks you to use the NAMHSA Breed/Class Assignment list, then you can find that document here. Support-related Questions like "I can't upload a photo" can be directed to the Administrators or Moderators in the Scheduling and Support forum. Just please keep in mind that we are not available 24/7, so get your questions in front of us before you have a show entry deadline. Reports. There is a special "Help" section devoted just to the Reports part of the site, where the results are located. It is worth a read so you understand what information can be found there. Watch the VideoYou can either watch this video from Julia, or you can read the text directions above. |