Upload Your Photos

Watch the Video

You can either watch this quick two-minute video from Julia, or you can read the text directions below.

Navigate to MyGallery

You will upload photos to a default folder in your user gallery called "MyGallery" first, and then copy those photos to show galleries later. You do not have to wait for a show to do this part of the process! You can get to your user gallery location by clicking the "MyGallery" menu link at the top of most of the pages on this website.Uploading photos to MyGallery will prevent the need for you to keep uploading photos for every show and having to recomplete the entry info that goes with them.

Location of "MyGallery" Link on Help menu.

After you click on the "MyGallery" link, you will be taken to your default user gallery area. Click the "MyGallery" link there. It's a two-step process to get to MyGallery because your "user gallery" is a fixed location that we can link in the menu, while the specific folder "MyGallery" varies by user.

Location of "MyGallery" Link in user gallery area.

Open the Add Picture Form

To upload a photo, first click the "Add a picture" link.

Location of "Add a picture" Link.

Select Your Photo

After the "Add Picture" form page loads, locate the "Browse" (or "Choose file") button near the label "Upload Picture."

Location of "Browse" button.

Press the "Browse" button, and it will open a dialogue box that shows a picture of the files on your computer. Navigate to the location on your computer where your desired image is stored, select it with your mouse, and click the "Open" (or similar) button.

Sample of Dialogue Box that Opens after Pressing "Browse" Button.

Add a Title and Upload

When you're done, the dialogue box will close and you will return to an unobstructed view of the "Add Picture" form page. Complete the Title field with your horse's name (for now). Then press the "Add Picture" button.

Location of "Add Picture" button.