
You can either watch this video from Julia, or you can read the text directions below.

Documentation should be 100 words or less, and it should not contain any paragraphs or hard returns. Do not paste long sections of texts from websites into your entry, it will frustrate your judge.

Documentation. You can paste links to documentation photos or webpages in the area after "OTHER*" in the Description field and it will work as an active, live link to your documentation.

  • There is one important exception: you must be careful not to use links with ampersands.
  • SmugMug and Google docs do not use ampersands in links so those are good choices for storing documentation photos. Just paste the link to your documentation photo into the Description field of your horse's photo, somewhere after OTHER*. If you decide to use Google docs, make sure you "share" your link so that others can see your material.
  • You can also use PonyBytes for documentation photos, but you must link directly to the photo (and it will add the photo to your MyGallery report). if you decide to use PonyBytes (or the show requires it), here is what you should do:
    • Upload the documentation photo to PonyBytes
    • Go to the photo's page on PonyBytes
    • Click the image to open the larger version.
    • Right click on the image and select “Copy image address” or “Copy image location” depending on your browser
    • Paste that address that you just copied somewhere after OTHER* in the Description field of your horse's photo.
    • Do not put a line break between your OTHER* information and your link.