WHY: The PonyBytes Photo Clinic is a free event intended to help you get feedback on horses and photos that do not place well, and you are not sure why. While we can't answer that question definitively for every past situation, we may be able to give you some insight at least. You don't have to enter horses that don't place well - it's just how you'll likely get the most value out of the process. The Civility section below is very important; you must read that paragraph before you submit any photos. We hope you decide to join us!
ENTRIES: All registered users may submit up to five (5) photos of "factory finish" or "original finish" plastic or ceramic horses through Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern. No artist resins or customs. The event is free. If you haven't registered for an account previously, the link is here.
HOW TO: If this is your first time on PonyBytes, then please read the "Entering Your Photo in a Show" instructions here to learn how to upload photos and copy to them to the event. You will also need to read and use the instructions for formatting your text information for your entries here. You cannot skip these items. If correctly submitted, you will be able to see a list of your submitted photos in the My Entries report (click "Reports" in the topmost menu) and then you will also be able to see the judges' comments in the "MyComments" report (click "Reports" in the topmost menu).
QUESTIONS: Ask them here on the site forum, please.
1. Foal - all babies of any breed go here
2. Stock - Quarter Horse, Paint, Appaloosa, Mustang, etc.
3. USA Gaited - Saddlebred, Tennessee Walking Horse, etc.
4. Sport - Thoroughbred, all warmbloods, carriage breeds, etc.
5. Spanish - Andalusian, Pasos, Azteca, Lusitano, etc.
6. Other Light - Arabian, Morgan, Akhal Teke, etc.
7. Draft - Belgian, Percheron, all "heavy" breeds, etc.
8. Pony - Shetland, Chincoteague, POA, etc.
*Partbreds go in the group closest to body type.
MISPLACED PIX: There will be no stewarding and we are not going to be answering questions about where horses go (we are trying to keep this show easy to administer), since it is not a standard show. Please just use your best judgment.
HOSTS/JUDGES: Julia and Elizabeth, administrators of PonyBytes, are hosting this clinic. Julia will be one of the judges. Kimberly Bjorgo-Thorne, co-host of BreyerFest Youth and Children's shows, a longtime collector, respected judge and educator has also graciously accepted our invitation to judge. Cory Hartung rounds out our judging team. Cory regularly judges photo shows for multiple clubs and she also hosts IPABRA's monthly online show series, with OF, CM/AR and performance divisions. So we have a group of extremely experienced and very helpful people! Judges can enter and get feedback of their own.
CRITIQUES: You will receive feedback through "comments" on every photo, and if there is time, you will receive feedback from multiple judges. Feedback will include how your horse compares to others based on anatomy, biomechanics, breed conformation, color and condition. Your horse will not necessarily be compared to others in the same group, but may be compared to other available models of similar breed type. You may also receive feedback on photo quality, framing, lighting, backgrounds and the like, if noteworthy. There will be no placings and no results.
CIVILITY: All entrants are expected to receive feedback graciously and without complaint. Please do not submit photos if you are a very sensitive person. No one is allowed to dispute the judges' feedback elsewhere, and if you do, your photos will be deleted, and you cannot enter these clinics again. We want this to be a casual, friendly and helpful event, and we want our judges to feel comfortable doing what we have asked them to do, and that means no collateral attacks on other forums, no matter how subtle those might be (e.g., no raising the judges' comments on MA under the guise of being "confused" about feedback).
KEEP IN MIND: Not every horse you own is going to be a show horse. Most of us have horses in our collections that are not good show horses, that we just keep to enjoy in our homes.
CONCLUSION: The critique period will end on or about March 9, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern.
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