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Breakables Online at BreyerFest Horse of a Different Color
[Image: breakables_banner.jpg]

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Show Type:  This china show is double judged for Breed and Collectibility/Workmanship and also has a Performance division. Something for everyone!

Class List: Class List
Entrant Packet: Entrant Packet
Entry Form: Entry Form

Entries Open:  On Friday April 30th, 2021 at 5pm EST. Kentucky Oaks day!

Entries Close:  On Friday May 21st, 2021 at 5pm EST.

Judging Begins:  On Sunday May 23rd, 2021 at 5pm EST.

Judging Ends:  On Monday May 31st, 2021 at 5pm EST.

Host:  Diana R. Dubbeld, BF_Breakables_Host,

Judging Criteria:  Please read the section Class Rules and Judging Criteria in the Entrant Packet linked above.

Judges:  We are excited to be working with the following knowledgeable ladies:
  • Ring 1: OF Americanware (51+ runs) - Christina Dils & Kristina Lucas Francis
  • Ring 2: OF Europeanware (51+ runs) - Kirsten Wellman & Sarah Wellman
  • Ring 3: Small Production/Test (runs ≤ 50) - Sarah Townsend & Lisa Esping
  • Ring 4: Custom Glazed - Maggie Barkovitz & Staci Faraci
  • Ring 5: OF Resin/Cold Cast Porcelain (51+ runs)
                 OF Other Countryware (51+ runs)
                 OF Kristina Lucas Francis (51+ runs)
                  - Christina Harrington & Heather McCurdy
  • Ring 6: Performance - Jennifer Buxton

Divisions:  The following abbreviations are used in the class list to separate divisions:
  • AW = OF Americanwear
  • EW = OF Europeanware
  • SPT = Small Production and Test
  • CMG = Custom Glaze
  • RCC = OF Resin and Cold Cast Porcelain
  • OCC = OF Other Country Ceramics
  • KLF = OF Kristina Lucas Francis
  • PER = Performance
The following abbreviations are used after the class number to tell you what the model is being judged on:
  • 11B = class eleven Breed
  • 11C = class eleven Collectibility
  • 11W = class eleven Workmanship
You do not have to enter a model in both Breed and Collectibility or both Breed and Workmanship if you do not want to. If you do enter a model in both you MUST choose the same class number for both. Just remember that to be judged on Collectibility you MUST provide collectibility information in your description field or your model will not be judged.

Title Field should include:  In the title field put the coat color of your model as well as any patterning it has.
For Example:
  • Dunskin Splash Overo
  • Chestnut Manchado
  • Bay Varnish Roan Blanket Appaloosa
  • Black Bisque
  • Green Art Glaze

Rules:  Please read the Entrant Packet linked above for complete rules for entering.

Classes: Please read the Class List linked above for the full class list.

We will be available here on PonyBytes to answer questions about entering Breakables. Please only use my email for registering for the show and if you need assistance with registering. Keep all other questions about PonyBytes site use and show questions here on this thread. This makes it much faster for you questions to get answered and easier for others who may have the same question to read the answers if everything else is kept here. We look forward to seeing all your clinkies!
Hello Breakables entrants! We will add some questions we have been getting elsewhere with their answers here in case you have the same ones. Check back for further updates!

Question: Will color and/or lighting correction be allowed for photos?
Answer: Yes, since many cameras automatically correct color and/or lighting those types of corrections will be allowed along with cropping and resizing. Doing things to adjust the contrast to making the shading look better than it is in person is not allowed. As it further states in the show packet:
  • Photo manipulation other than cropping and resizing is strictly forbidden. You are NOT allowed to digitally touch up, alter, or add to the appearance of the model, tack, rider, props, background, etc in the photos entered. Also, do NOT mirror image or flip a photo.
  • Photos entered that are digitally altered will be disqualified.
Just a reminder to entrants, before you start uploading photos to the Breakables class list you MUST first upload one photo each for breed, collectibility, and workmanship to the practice show with the description formatting of your choice. If you will be showing in performance you also need a practice photo for that division. These practice photos MUST be verified to be correctly formatted before you can start to upload to the Breakables class list.

The practice show can be found here:

When you copy a photo to a show, make sure the "Notify me of comments" box is checked. This is so you can get messages about entry errors.

Please notify the Breakables Host on PonyBytes account via PM to BF_Breakables_Host and include the web links for each photo. We will then reply if you are good to go or if you need to fix anything. You can do this at any time.

Thank you for entering and we can't wait to see your clinkies!
The galleries are now open for uploading for those who have completed their test uploads to the practice show! Once you complete your test uploads you will get access to the main galleries!
Just a heads up entrants, if you have a decorator, put the color it is in the title. We have some very neat entries just titled 'Decorator'. Have fun and be silly! Is it Robin's Egg Blue? Is it Red Velvet Cake Red? Is it Tough Guys Wear Pink? Or maybe just Cobalt. You decide.
The trial upload period for REGISTERED participants has been extended! The upload period for practice show photos now closes at 11:59 pm EDT on SUNDAY, May 16, 2021! You need to complete this step to gain access to the show galleries for uploading your photos to the show.
Just a heads up, all test uploads to the practice show must be completed and approved by 12 midnight EST Sunday night the 16th. You must upload one photo per type of class you will be entering so we can make sure your formatting is correct. The class types are breed, collectibility, workmanship, and performance. When you have the photos uploaded and formatted to the practice show send BF_Breakables_Host a PM here on Ponybytes with the links to each photo for review and approval. Proper formatting guides are found in the Help section of the website. You will then get access to upload to the show when Elizabeth and Julia update your settings. The sooner you complete test uploads to the practice show the sooner you can start uploading to Breakables. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me.
A reminder to entrants, every model needs a breed and gender to be judged regardless of what type of class it is entering, breed, collectibility, workmanship, and performance. Models that do not have a breed and gender listed will NOT be judged.
If you think a model of yours is missing from a class PLEASE go to your My Entries report under Reports on the top menu of PonyBytes and do a search for its name under Breakables. I have began stewarding models into correct classes since May 8th. I have moved several horses multiple times from the wrong class into the proper ones.

In particular, if you have an Americanware model sculpted or glaze designed by Kristina Lucas Francis it HAS to be shown in the Kristina Lucas Francis Division. If you enter it in the Americanware division it will not be judged as she will not judge her own work.

Also, Lennox and Franklin Mint are Other Countryware, NOT Americanware.

If you have a Breyer, be sure to put porcelains only in the Americanware division. All Breyer models that are made of resin go in the OF Resin & Cold Cast Porcelain division. Breyer crystal models are NOT eligible to show in Breakables.
Just a reminder to entrants that all entries for Breakables Online Horse of a Different Color are due by this Friday May 21st at 5pm EST! No exceptions as once the show galleries are closed, they are CLOSED! Please do not wait till Friday to finish uploading your entries!

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